How to Move to a Foreign Country

Updated March 30th, 2022

Since the coronavirus pandemic broke out, most peoples’ lives have been overturned. This has created a tingling itch in them to change their surroundings. You could feel that taking a vacation and coming back home later won’t be enough. Instead, you want to move overseas for studies, work, volunteering missions, or leisure.

Moving abroad is not as difficult and complex as most people perceive it. While it may involve lots of paperwork, the results are very rewarding. We’ll walk you through the process and tell you everything an emigrant needs to know before moving to another country.

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Moving to an entirely new country or new city like moving in Fayetteville is a huge move, and we’re so proud of you for taking that bold step. Again, it’s not a walk in the park, so you need to make up your mind and prepare thoroughly. Here’s a general step-by-step procedure for every ex-pat, regardless of their destination, to make the transition as seamless and as delightful as possible:

1. Decide which foreign country you want to move to

If you haven’t already decided which country you want to move to, find somewhere you see yourself living. Research how life is like in that new country through different times of the year. What are the climate, security, sanitation, food, healthcare, and employment situations like? Do you see yourself living here long-term comfortably?

If possible, talk to people already living in that country to get firsthand information. Your responses will help you determine whether the country is a good place to live.

2. Go vacationing there to have a feel of how it’s like to live there

You’re about to make one of the biggest transitions in your life. Consider visiting your country of choice as a tourist to get a feel of what it would be like living there. Remember to explore many non-tourist areas and interact with as many locals as possible.

See if there are people you know here and tell them what your intentions are. They will be of invaluable help about the realities of living in the said country.

3. Learn as much as you can about the country and its immigration laws

When visiting the country as a tourist, learn as much as possible about the region and its people. Learn the routines, customs, laws, regulations, and language because these have a huge impact on how you’ll live your life once you’ve relocated there.

Another important things you need to figure out are the procedures surrounding immigration. Check their immigration website or contact the embassy to see if you’re eligible.

4. Look for accommodation in the foreign country

Ensure that you have a place to stay as soon as your application gets approved. You can either stay at a hotel or an apartment as you plan to buy/rent a house. Make sure that you stay in a safe neighborhood.

If possible, visit the location physically before making any payment.

5. Set up bank accounts

Set up a bank account in the new country to minimize the processing fees while making payments. This will also make it easier for you to access your money instead of if it’s still in your local bank’s account.

When most people move, they either sell or give away their household items. It’s less hectic and cheaper than carrying everything with you or paying to have it stored for you. If you decide to do the former, have the money banked with your new account overseas.

6. Ensure that you have a valid passport and visa

You have your bags packed, but do you have a visa and a valid passport? If yes, it’s time to book your plane ticket and off you are to your new home. Any issues with your travel documents will cause delays in your relocation.

If you need a new passport, apply for it in advance because it could take up to a few weeks before you get a new one.

7. Dealing with culture shock

Life in a foreign country is nothing like you are used to because people lead a different way of life. This could drive you into temporary chaos as most people feel sad, making the settling process harder. It usually takes people months to get over the culture shock.

While being in a foreign country provides you a great opportunity to learn their culture, it can get quite overwhelming. The excitement of moving to a new country and everyday feeling like a vacation will wear off soon enough. When you start feeling depressed, don’t hesitate to seek help.

8. Stay safe

Always take precautionary measures to help you stay safe. You could do things like not staying out too late, walking alone in dark alleys, wearing inappropriate clothing, or flashing your jewelry and expensive gadgets. Ensure that you have a contact for the local police station for emergencies.

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