Solar panels offer a lot of benefits, including long-term positive financial and environmental impacts. However, installing solar panels in your home is a significant financial commitment and a decision you shouldn’t take lightly.
Solar panels are a great way to improve home efficiency and reduce your reliance on the national grid, which predominantly generates electrical energy through non-renewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels. Switching to solar energy reduces your carbon footprint and benefits your wallet and the environment.
There are several factors to consider before you choose to install solar panels on your property. We’ve covered the key factors to consider below. If you decide to install solar panels somewhere in your home, whether on the roof or in your garden, find your local solar panel installers using Eco Affect.
Regional Weather Conditions
The weather in your local area significantly impacts the amount of solar energy you can generate using your panels. You will need to consider whether the cost of getting solar panels is worth it based on how much electrical energy you will gain in the long term.
If you live in an area that receives many sunny days during the year, solar panels are likely worth the investment as you will be able to generate renewable energy all year round. However, if you’re in a colder climate with few sunny days, you may not produce a lot of solar energy at certain times of the year.
Roof Orientation and Shading
You’ll also need to consider the direction that your roof faces if you plan on getting solar panels installed on the top of your house. It’s best to install panels on the side of your roof that receives the most sunlight.
Solar panels can be heavy. It’s important to check that your roof is able to hold the weight of solar panels before purchasing them. You’ll also need to address roofing issues with repairs or replacements, if needed, before installing any solar panels.
Local Regulations and Required Permits
There will be local and national regulations to follow when you’re installing solar panels on your home, as doing so is classed as building work or a renovation. You should check the legal regulations and building codes in your local area to ensure you can comply with them if you choose to get solar panels on your property.
Similarly, check whether you need a specific permit before purchasing solar panels. Permitting thorough research will help you to avoid any future issues and ensure your home is legally compliant.
Government Incentives
There may be government incentives and rewards available for switching to renewable energy. By installing solar panels, you could be entitled to a grant. It’s worth looking into whether you would be eligible for a grant, as it could reduce the initial cost of installation significantly and make switching to solar energy more affordable and accessible to you.