Top 9 Tips to Avoid Electrical Hazards at Home

Updated January 10th, 2023

Nobody likes electrical problems in their homes. But that does not mean you sideline electrical issues, as they can threaten your safety.

When handling electrical outlets in your home, it’s ideal to step back and let the professionals handle them. However, every homeowner must know about the basic prevention of common electrical hazards.

To ensure you are safe at home from any electrical hazards, go through the tips below.

1 . The Smallest Details

Try to notice what your electrical devices are telling you. When you see a device repeatedly tripping a circuit breaker, blowing a fuse, or giving you shocks, know that it is not a coincidence. These kinds of activities indicate that something might be wrong.

To prevent further dangerous malfunctions, immediately unplug the device and discontinue its usage until an electrician inspects it, repairs the fault, and ultimately declares the appliance safe to use.

2. Overloading

Avoid cube taps and other outlet-stretching appliances. Cubes taps are little boxes that allow you to plug more than one device into a sole outlet. It might seem a great convenience, but it may cause a fast track resulting in overheated wiring, circuit overload, and even fire

In case you must use one, remember to do the necessary math before you plug in. You have to know the highest power demand that your cube-tapped receptacle may handle and be sure about the collective pull or power requirement so that it stays within that rating. Get an expert electrician’s advice to know more about your home’s circuit breakers, and how many outlets on a 15 amp circuit serve as a safety device.

3. Installing GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters)

In new construction houses, ground-fault circuit interrupters or GFCI receptacles are necessary anywhere that water and electrical outlets might be close to each other.

GFCIs may detect current leakages and ground faults in any electrical circuits, including those that might occur in case a powered appliance gets in contact with water. To prevent electrical burns, shock, and electrocution, the GFCI helps shut off power to that electrical receptacle promptly.

In case you reside in an older house that does not have standard GFCIs, install them instead of traditional outlets in the kitchen, bathroom, and garage. It will be easy to prevent severe electrical hazards and injuries at a minimal cost.

4. Never Mixing Electricity and Water

Always keep electrical devices away from water as well as moisture. Whether you see it on or off, when a plugged-in device falls – or is suddenly dropped – into the water, make sure not to attempt to unplug or retrieve it.

You must reach out to the panel board of your home immediately and shut down the power to the specific circuit. After finishing the job, you may safely unplug your appliance and remove it from the water. When the appliance has dried thoroughly, call a professional to evaluate if it’s fit for further use.

5. Replacing Wall Plates

You need to replace broken or missing wall plates. They are necessary to prevent your fingers from contacting the wiring behind them. The absence of wall plates or damaged wall plates might be dangerous when it’s dark.

While trying to locate any switch by touch, it may shock or electrocute you in case you miss the mark and instead end up hitting or touching live wires.

6. Fuses and Circuit Breakers

You need to use the right size fuses and circuit breakers. If circuit breakers and fuses don’t have the correct wattage rating and size to match the other specifications of their circuits, it may be a cause of failing right when they are needed most to perform

Always read packages attentively when purchasing replacements. In case you feel you need help determining which size to purchase, have a professional check out your panel box as well as label it with the fuse or circuit breaker size required for easier future reference

And if you are considering visiting the hardware store, try to purchase a few extras that will make you happy the next time a need arises.

7. Using Outlet Covers

Outlet covers can prevent small children and babies from sticking their fingers and other things into unused receptacles and give protection against electrocution and shock.

You may either use the special kids’ safety wall plates or opt for the plug-in type, which has built-in retractable covers. These outlet covers snap back into place immediately if outlets are not in use.

8. Electrical Yard-Care Tools

If it’s raining or just finished raining, or you might have recently run your sprinklers, do not attempt yard work using electrically powered tools.

Protect yourself from electrocution and shock by keeping the weed whacker, electric hedge trimmer, and lawnmower safely unplugged as well as stowed away until raining has stopped, foliage and grass are dry, and puddles may be easily avoided.

9. Taking Proper Care of the Cords

Be careful in treating power cords. Never tightly tack them down or nail them, and make sure to check regularly that they are not pinched underneath or between furniture

Excessive pressure on your power cables might compress the conducting wire or damage insulation by exposing the conductor, leading to overheating and eventually causing an electrical fire

Final Words

Make sure to maintain the tips mentioned above to keep your family and yourself safe from electrical hazards. In case you suspect any issue with the house’s wiring system, do not be late to hire a professional and have an electrical safety inspection. It will be helpful in risk assessment and give you the peace of mind you need

So, to ensure your home’s safety and your family’s welfare, always try to follow the basic safety measures.

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